€12.50 On Sale
FIGHT THE FIGHT`s "Self Titled Debut Album"
“ The album is filled to the brim with youthful energy & intensity ”
- Metal Hammer Norway
“A catchy, atmospheric, punk-rock racket”
– Metal Hammer UK
“This album is some of the best Norwegian music I’ve heard in a long time” 6/6
– Stig Odegaard, Scream Mag Norway
“...Fight The Fight plays a musical style that takes black metal, metalcore, punk and modern
rock and mixes them together to create something very original...
8/10, Blackened Death Metal (NO)
”... "Nice travel on the last 20 years of metal. A very modern view on what is going on that musicworld."
- 8/10 - Lettere dall' Underground
“ Absolute insanity, the guys of Fight The Fight know exactly what they are doing when it comes tofresh and exciting Metal music””
– 4,5/5 Cryptic Rock